
HRM Specialist

“Medisol is a fast-growing organization with a wonderful goal. I enjoy being able to contribute to that. The team spirit and positive attitude of colleagues makes it a pleasure to work here!”

How did you end up at Medisol?

My job at my previous employer came to an end due to a reorganization, so I was looking for another job. It was precisely during that period that I saw the vacancy for an HRM Specialist at Medisol pass by, at the perfect time! I responded and after two good conversations, I was hired.

What is your role at Medisol?

I am an HRM Specialist.

What does an average day at Medisol look like?

There is no average working day in my position. This is partly because it is a very varied job with various tasks, but also because there is still plenty of room to build in the HR area. This is what makes my job so much fun. One day I might be working on practical matters for salary administration, sick leave or prevention; the next I might be advising Management or the Board of Directors on terms of employment or organisational changes.

What makes it so much fun to work at Medisol?

Medisol is a fast-growing organization with a wonderful goal: Saving Lives! I enjoy being able to contribute to that. We work hard in a nice atmosphere. The team spirit and positive attitude of colleagues makes it a pleasure to work here!

Jouw collega’s